Investment Consulting

Investment Consulting

As part of a holistic approach to investing, experts recommend brick and mortar assets as part of your portfolio to complement your stocks, bonds…

If you are looking to build long-term real estate wealth, our investment consulting service is focused on helping you find, acquire and manage investment properties in the Greater Toronto Area.

Real estate agent with couple looking through documents. The agent is holding a digital tablet showing it to the clients. Couple are casually dressed. They are looking concerned and worried and upset. Over the shoulder view.

Helping you with the Buy:

We start our engagement by actively listening to better understand your exact needs, then find and recommend properties that fit your requirements. Our expertise in the Rental and Management market enables us to provide meaningful advice on what makes for a good investment property. We know which properties rent well and what areas to target. More importantly we can help guide you away from problematic properties that may require a lot of work and/or may attract “high maintenance” type of tenants. Both of which can severely impact your return on investment.

Finding you a good investment property that fits your needs is where we excel, and our engagement goes well beyond that. We are hands on during the whole acquisition process to also include assistance with guiding international investors with financing complexities due to new banking mortgage rigour. We find you and place tenants in your investment property and continue maintaining the property while rent checks roll in…

Helping you with the Sell:

Most Real Estate Sales Representatives are not well equipped to sell a tenanted property. We understand the emotions involved and potential complications that usually emerge in such situations.

In general tenants are not welcoming of this change due to the multiple showings, phone calls to coordinate showings, additional attention to tardiness to keep the property presentable to name a few of the discomforts.

We are professional and empathetic in our approach and work towards win-win situations for all involved parties. We manage the process from start to finish and combine our property management expertise with the sales experience that you would expect from a Realtor.

While FastCan Property Management brings wealth of experience to the table, the above is achieved by our licensed Real Estate Sales Representatives through our affiliation with iPro Realty Ltd.